World Music Day 2024: 8 ways music helps boost our mental health

By Editorji News Desk
Published on | Jun 20, 2024

Reduces stress

Listening to soothing music can lower cortisol levels, reducing stress. Music with a slow tempo can relax muscles and ease tension.

Boosts Mood

Music helps in uplifting our mood instantly. It helps in processing emotions and can provide an outlet for expressing feelings.

Relieves anxiety

Music diverts your attention and provides relief from anxiety-inducing thoughts.

Improves cognitive function

Music can improve memory and cognitive function, especially in older adults.

Combats pain and ailment

Music serves as a distraction from chronic pain or any kind of ailment in the body.

Helps in sleeping

Listening to music before bed can establish a soothing bedtime routine.

Provides motivation

Upbeat music can boost physical performance and make exercise more enjoyable.

Emotional connection

Shared musical experiences can strengthen social bonds and reduce feelings of loneliness.