'Plastic Free' July: 8 simple tips to adapt for eradicating plastic

By Editorji News Desk
Published on | Jul 04, 2024

Reduce fast fashion

Many garments are made from synthetic materials like polyester, which is generally plastic. Invest in quality pieces made from natural fibres.

Carry your own bags

Keep a few cloth bags in your purse to avoid using single-use plastic bags.

Stop buying bottled water

Each year, close to 20 billion plastic bottles are tossed in trash. Carry a reusable bottle always with you.

Ditch disposable cutlery and straws

Switch to metal or bamboo straws, which are not only eco-friendly but also stylish.

Opt for glass or stainless steel containers

Instead of using plastic containers for food storage, switch to glass or stainless steel containers.

Buy bulk

Grocery stores offer bulk sections where you can purchase items like grains, nuts, and snacks without excess plastic packaging. So buy bulk.

Cook more at home

Pre-packaged meals and takeaways often come with a lot of plastic packaging. Cooking at home reduces plastic waste

Avoid microbeads in cosmetics

Check the ingredient lists of cosmetics and personal care products to avoid those containing microbeads. Opt for natural alternatives.
