Marathas account for 33% of Maharashtra's population, want reservation in education and government jobs.
Maharashtra introduced 16% reservation for Marathas under Socially and Educationally Backward Class Act.
Reservation for Marathas reduced to 12% in education and 13% in government jobs.
Maharashtra's Socially and Educationally Backward Classes Act struck down.
Supreme Court: all caste or community-based reservations can add up to a maximum of 50%.
Marathas, now, want Kunbi caste certificates that would include them in the OBC category for reservation.
Activist Manoj Jarange Patil's hunger strike triggered protests. Violence, vandalism and arson in Beed.
Standard Operating Procedure set up for issuing Kunbi certificates to Maratha community members.
Survey from Jan 23-31 to establish Marathas are socially and educationally backward, and to support curative plea for quota in SC.
Manoj Jarange and thousands of his supporters march towards Mumbai to launch a protest on January 26.