The Avengers to Knives Out: Chris Evans' must-watch films | HBD

By Editorji News Desk
Published on | Jun 13, 2024

Knives Out

After the death of renowned crime novelist Harlan Thrombey, Detective Benoit Blanc uncovers sinister intentions at play.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Steve Rogers, Black Widow, and Falcon must uncover S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets while battling a new enemy, The Winter Soldier.


Frank, raising his genius niece Mary, battles his mother Evelyn for custody. Evelyn is determined to see Mary complete her mother's project.

The Avengers

Nick Fury initiates the Avengers program when Loki threatens Earth. The heroes must unite to stop him.

Avengers: Infinity War

The Avengers must prevent Thanos, an intergalactic warlord, from acquiring all the infinity stones.

Avengers: Endgame

Following Thanos' act of disintegrating half the universe, the Avengers must reunite to reinvigorate their allies and restore balance.


Set over seven years after a frozen apocalypse, the series follows survivors on a perpetual, globe-circling train.

Before We Go

Nick, a street musician, meets Brooke in the subway after she misses her train. They confide in each other, confronting their fears.