In WWII, troops from the British Empire, Belgium, and France strive to evacuate Dunkirk amid a fierce battle with German forces.
In WWII, Lt. Gen. Groves assigns physicist Oppenheimer to the Manhattan Project. Their efforts lead to the first nuclear explosion in 1945.
Batman faces off against the Joker, a skilled criminal aiming to destroy Gotham. With Gordon and Harvey Dent, Batman fights to stop him.
Two magicians turn foes after tragedy, sacrificing everything for fame, with dire consequences.
In a future where Earth is dying, ex-NASA pilot Joseph Cooper leads a mission to find a new habitable planet for humanity.
Cobb extracts secrets from dreams but faces redemption by completing a challenging mission, linked to his wife's death.
Leonard Shelby, with anterograde amnesia, relies on notes and tattoos to track his wife's killer, his last memory.
In a future with dangerous objects, CIA agent, the Protagonist, fights to prevent global catastrophe.
After his parents' murder, Bruce trains to fight injustice. As Batman in Gotham, he combats a secret society threatening the city.
When Bane, a menacing terrorist, strikes Gotham, Bruce Wayne reemerges as Batman to restore peace to the city after years in hiding.