Christopher Nolan wins 1st Oscar: A look at his best films

By Editorji News Desk
Published on | Mar 11, 2024

Dunkirk (2017)

In WWII, troops from the British Empire, Belgium, and France strive to evacuate Dunkirk amid a fierce battle with German forces.

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Oppenheimer (2023)

In WWII, Lt. Gen. Groves assigns physicist Oppenheimer to the Manhattan Project. Their efforts lead to the first nuclear explosion in 1945.

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The Dark Knight (2008)

Batman faces off against the Joker, a skilled criminal aiming to destroy Gotham. With Gordon and Harvey Dent, Batman fights to stop him.

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The Prestige (2006)

Two magicians turn foes after tragedy, sacrificing everything for fame, with dire consequences.

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Interstellar (2014)

In a future where Earth is dying, ex-NASA pilot Joseph Cooper leads a mission to find a new habitable planet for humanity.

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Inception (2010)

Cobb extracts secrets from dreams but faces redemption by completing a challenging mission, linked to his wife's death.

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Memento (2000)

Leonard Shelby, with anterograde amnesia, relies on notes and tattoos to track his wife's killer, his last memory.

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Tenet (2020)

In a future with dangerous objects, CIA agent, the Protagonist, fights to prevent global catastrophe.

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Batman Begins (2005)

After his parents' murder, Bruce trains to fight injustice. As Batman in Gotham, he combats a secret society threatening the city.

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The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

When Bane, a menacing terrorist, strikes Gotham, Bruce Wayne reemerges as Batman to restore peace to the city after years in hiding.

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