In 2024, the global telecommunication landscape is dominated by industry giants, with T-Mobile US and China Mobile. Let's take a look
Leading the pack with a market cap of $192 billion, T-Mobile US continues to dominate the telecom market in the United States
With a market cap of $186 bn, China Mobile stands as a powerhouse in the global telecom arena, commanding a vast subscriber base
Boasting a market cap of $169 billion, Comcast is also a major player in both telecom and media
With a market cap of $166 billion, Verizon is another key player in the U.S. telecom market
With a m-cap of $122 bn, AT&T is also a prominent force in telecom, offering a diverse array of services
Boasting a market cap of $118 billion, Deutsche Telekom is a leading telecom company in Europe
With a market cap of $102 billion, NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) is a major telecom company in Japan
With a market cap of $87 billion, Bharti Airtel is a leading telecom company in India